Shahzad Akbar Khan
University Londrina, Brazil
Title: Immunotoxicopathological effect of experimental ochratoxicosis on broilers
Biography: Shahzad Akbar Khan
Study on immunopathological parameters has shown alterations in different organ systems induced by ochratoxin-A (OTA). This study was designed to evaluate immunopathological responses of broiler chicks kept on different levels of OTA contaminated feed. For this purpose, one day old, 42 broiler chicks were divided into seven groups (A, B, C, D, E, F, G). Group A, was kept as control, while groups B, C, D, E , F and G were fed OTA contaminated diet at 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 and 1.1 mg/Kg feed, respectively, for 21 days. Relative weights of liver, kidneys, bursa, thymus and spleen were recorded at the end of experiment. Hematologic profile and histopathological alterations in liver, kidneys, spleen, bursa and thymus of chicks was determined to assess the OTA mediated damage. Serum concentration of IgY and Ig A were measured for determination of humoral immune response. Clinical signs exhibited by the chicks included severe diarrhea, dullness, depression, decrease feed intake, increase water intake and rippled feathers. Gross pathological lesions on liver and kidneys included lighter in coloration, friable and hemorrhagic. A significant increase (p<0.05) in the relative weight of kidneys and liver was observed in OTA fed chicks group C, D, E, F and G, while significant decrease (p<0.05) in weight of bursa and thymus was observed in all OTA treated groups, similarly, significant reduction (p<0.05) in relative weight of spleen was observed in OTA treated groups F and G. Histologically, liver and kidneys of chicks showed degenerative and infiltrative changes while spleen, bursa and thymus showed marked reduction of lymphoid cell. Hematological profile indicated significant decrease (p<0.05) in hematocrit, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, leukocytes and lymphocytes, while significant increase (p<0.05) in heterophils and monocytes. Eosinophils were detected in chicks treated with higher doses of 0.9 and 1.1 mg/kg of feed. Level of IgY and IgA was significantly decreased (p<0.05) in all OTA treated groups in a dose dependent manner. The findings of this study suggested that there were immunopathological effects from OTA in the chicks kept on low to higher doses of OTA-contaminated diet even OTA @ 0.1mg/kg of feed.