Call for Abstract

1stInternational Conference On Animal Health, will be organized around the theme “”

Animal Health 2020 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Animal Health 2020

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

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Once compounds have been synthesized, they undergo purification, rigorous characterization, analysis and structural determinations as required using the latest equipment. Analysis is carried out by various equipment’s like nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy and single-crystal X-ray experiments. High-throughput mass measurements are performed alongside high-throughput LC-MS analysis for structural and chemical purity determinations.


Animal Health 2018 Conference is an international Animal Biotechnology conference focuses on the recent developments taking place in the field of Animal Biotechnology.

Animal Biotechnology is the use of genetic engineering techniques and molecular biology to genetically engineer the animals for agricultural, pharmaceutical and industrial applications. It is used to produce transgenic animals, therapeutic proteins, clones, diseases resistant offspring and organs by xenotransplantation.

This wonderful topic discusses all issues like genetic engineeringtransgenic animals by Recombinant DNA techniques, gene knockout techniques which are used in producing organs for human organ replacement, cloning of animals by SCNT, ethical, environmental, regulatory and welfare issues.

Animal Health 2018 conference is an international veterinary conference focuses on the recent developments taking place in the field of veterinary public health.

Veterinary public health (VPH) is the part of veterinary science. Its function is to protect and improve the physical, mental and social well-being of humans. It is related to understanding, prevention and control of zoonotic diseases and food safety issues. It is involving not only veterinarians in public and private sectors but also other agriculture and health professionals, communication experts and scientists as well as paraprofessionals.

This is a very important session as all new diseases of about 75% that affected humans over the last 10 years have been transferred by pathogens originating from animals or from animal products. Most of these diseases have the tendency to spread through various means over long distances and to become global epidemics.

This session also focuses on the issues related to the zoonosis control, environmental contamination due to the animal by-products and food processing and food safety.

Animal Health 2017 is an International Veterinary conference focuses on the recent developments taking place in the field of veterinary science.


Animals play a major role in our society. Animal Health is the inter-link between humans, animals and the surrounding habitat. We can see their larger important roles in transportation, clothing and Food. Animals provide many benefits to us. The production of food of animal origin has been authentic, and remains one of the bases of Food. We all know the economic importance of farming in our society, the environmental role of some species like honey bees. The Animal Health defines the healthy, wealthy society. Healthy animals contribute to the sufficient and healthy food, to sustainable food production and to the healthy society.


Veterinary Science is the study of animal diseases and their health. The main topics this session will cover: Veterinary PhysiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary Biochemistry, Veterinary Anatomy and Histology, Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Veterinary PharmacologyVeterinary ToxicologyVeterinary Pathology and many other topics that come under Veterinary field.


Animal physiology is the study of life supporting properties, functions and parts of animals. Animal Health Products & Industry: In addition to the professional veterinary expertise a wide range of products that help maintain health of the animals are available in the market, to early diagnosis of diseases, to prevent them and if not possible, with proper treatment.


Animals also suffer from diseases hence they need proper care from veterinarians, pet owners and farmers. Improving the health and wellness of companion animals, wild animals and livestock and treating them is the first and foremost objective of the animal health industry.

Animal Ecology is the distribution, abundance and dynamics of animals, their interactions with other animals and with their surroundings.


The global animal healthcare market is estimated USD 32,081.5 million in 2014 and is expected to reach USD 43,032.1 million by 2020, reflecting a CAGR of 5.1% during forecast period.

Animal Health 2018 conference is an international animal health and veterinary medicine conference focuses on the recent developments taking place in the field of veterinary.

Veterinary medicine deals with animal disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, injury and disorder in non-human animals. Veterinary medicine scope is wide, covering all animal species, both domesticated and wild animals, with a broad range of conditions which can affect different species. Veterinarians prevent the transmission of animal diseases to humans and advise proper care of animals. They ensure food safety by maintaining the health of agricultural or farm animals and by inspecting food industries. They also involved in the preservation of wildlife.

Animal Health 2017 Conference is an international veterinary surgery conference focuses on the recent developments taking place in the field of veterinary.

Veterinary surgery performed on animals by veterinarians, whereby the procedures fall into three major categories: soft tissue surgery (cardiovascular system, skin, body cavities, GI/urogenital/respiratory tracts), orthopaedics (bones, joints, muscles) and neurosurgery.

Veterinary surgeons work to safeguard the health and welfare of animals. Veterinarians are responsible for the surgical and medical treatment of a range of animals, including domestic, companion, zoo and farm animals.

This session focuses on issues like Veterinary anesthesia, Analgesia, different types of surgeries in animals, advancements in veterinary surgery techniques and technologies.

Animal Health 2018 conference is an international animal health and veterinary medicine conference focuses on the recent developments taking place in the field of veterinary.

Animal welfare means how an animal is dealing with the conditions in which it lives. An animal is in a good state of welfare if it is healthy, well nourished, comfortable, able to express innate behaviour, safe and if it is not suffering from unpleasant states such as fear distress and pain. Good animal welfare requires veterinary treatment and disease prevention, nutrition, appropriate shelter, management, humane handling and humane slaughter/killing. Animal welfare refers to the state of the animal; treatment that an animal receives is covered by other terms such as animal careanimal husbandry, and humane treatment.

Animal Health 2018 is a CPD Accredited international animal health and veterinary medicine conference focuses on the recent developments taking place in the field of veterinary.

Veterinary Education Extension discusses on the following topics which will give the additional information on the present field.

Animal Health 201conference is an international veterinary conference focuses on the recent developments taking place in the field of Animal Diseases.

Animal disease is the disease by which animals are liable and whereby the normal functions of any organ or the body of an animal is disrupted or damaged by any bacterium, protozoan, virus, fungus, parasite, other organism or agent. This session focuses on Animal diseases, symptoms and their affects.